24 March, 2014

Doo-doodlee-doo-doo, it's time for bacon

two pigs on a motorbike
Read about what I learned on the sustainability of pig value chains in South Vietnam by interviewing a pig farmer, a pig slaughterer and a government official here.

Hoops & Yoyo and Parry Gripp, One donut a day, Oglio

Photo: Kathryn Aaker

07 March, 2014

Working coast to coast, sleeping on a train and on the road again

River, Rocks, Moss, Mountain, Sea, Skógar to Pörsmörk, Iceland
I have travelled recently from the Himalayas to the Indian Ocean to visit Postgraduate students working with smallholder dairy farmers. Read about it here.

Mountains to the sea
Mary Black, Stories from the steeples, Blix Street 

Photo: Dan Silver